Object management #O

Command group to manage, modify and group objects.

Object manipulation

Delete object

(Object Delete Id)


Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Object delete protection

(Object Delete Protection)


DeleteProtection, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change visibility of object

(Object Visible Id)


Visibility, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change position absolut

(Object Position Absolut)


x, y, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change position relative

(Object Position Relative)


x, y, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change size absolut

(Object Scale Absolut)


Width, Height, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change size relative

(Object Scale Relative)


Width, Height, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Rotate object absolut

(Object Rotation Absolut)


Angle, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Rotate object relative

(Object Rotation Relative)


Angle, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Shear object absolut

(Object sHear Absolut)


ShearX, ShearY, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Shear object relative

(Object sHear Relative)


ShearX, ShearY, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change opacity absolut

(Object Opacity Absolut)


Transparency, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change opacity relative

(Object Opacity Relative)


Transparency, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change object color

(Object Change Color)


R,G,B, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change object style

(Object Change Style)


Style-No, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Define frame/background

(Object Frame Place)


DrawStyleNo, addX, addY, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Set anchor

(Object Anchor Active)


Anchor, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Set free anchor absolut

(Object Anchor Screen)


x, y, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Set free anchor relative

(Object Anchor Object)


x, y, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change draw order (layer) absolut

(Object Layer Absolut)


Draw order, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change draw order (layer) relative

(Object Layer Realtive)


Draw order, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Set user value (integer)

(Object User Integer)


Obj-ID, Value, ..., Value n (Obj-ID n)

Set user value (float)

(Object User Float)


Obj-ID, Value, ..., Value n (Obj-ID n)


Add object to group

(Object Group Add)


Obj-ID Group, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


Move object to the background layer

(Object to BackGround)


RGB, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Load image into background layer

(Object Background Picture)


<Name>, x(0), y(0), Anchor(7),<Gradient>, Time, Direction, 'Endmacro'

Object manipulation

Delete object


Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

The command deletes single or multiple objects. If the Obj-ID = 0 is transferred, all objects, with Obj-ID = -1 all objects and the background are deleted (from V1.2).

Object delete protection


DeleteProtection, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Objects with DeleteProtection = 1 cannot be deleted by the #ODI command and remain. They are also not moved to the background level (from V1.2).

Change visibility of object


Visibility, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

The command sets the Visibility of objects. If the Obj-ID = 0 is passed, the command is applied to all objects:







Blink (from V 1.7)

See also objV(id) (from V1.4)

Change position absolut/relative


x, y, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


The command moves objects (absolute or relative) to the new position. If the Obj-ID = 0 is passed, all objects are moved.

See also objX(id), objY(id)

Change size absolut/relative


Width, Height, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


Change the Width or Height of an object as a percentage of the object size. Obj-ID = 0 Size change for all objects.

See also objW(id), objH(id), objSW(id), objSH(id)

Rotate object absolut/relative


Angle, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


The object (Obj-ID) is rotated by the Angle. Obj-ID = 0 rotation of all objects.

See also objR(id)

Shear object absolut/relative


ShearX, ShearY, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


Change the slope / shear of an object. ShearX and ShearY are given in degrees. Obj-ID = 0 shear for all objects.

See also objSX(id), objSY(id)

Change opacity absolut/relative


Transparency, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


Set visibility (Transparency) from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (completely visible). Apply Obj-ID = 0 to all objects.

See also objO(id)

Change object color


R,G,B, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Change the color channels Red, Green and Blue. The color channel of the target color is determined relative to the parameters passed. The parameters (R, G, B) are transferred as percentage values in the range from -100 to 100.


Assume that the output color should be changed from RGB (50.0.0) to RGB (200.0.0).

The target color has only changed in the red component. The difference in the red component is 150. The value has to be converted into a percentage value:


100 = 117,65


#OCC 118,0,0,...

Color changes are always related to the initial-color (even with mutliple use). Obj-ID =0 to all objects.

Chance object style


Style-No, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

A new style is assigned to an object (Obj-ID = 0 all). The style depends on the object. A string e.g.is automatically assigned a TextStyle. The command can only be used on simple graphic objects (e.g. not on buttons, SpinBox, ...).

See also objC(id)

Define frame/background


DrawStyleNo, addX, addY, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

A background is assigned to an object (Obj-ID = 0 all). The colors are determined via the DrawStyle. The two parameters addX and addY change the size (in pixels) of the background on the left / right and upper / lower edge compared to the object.


#OFP 1,20,20,1


Set anchor


Anchor, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

A new Anchor is assigned to an object (Obj-ID = 0 all). The active anchor is e.g. used to rotate the object.

See also objA(id)

Set free anchor absolut/relative


x, y, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


Set the anchor 0 of an object (Obj-ID). The command also marks anchor 0 as active.

Change layer order absolut/relative


Layer, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn


This command changes the drawing order of one or more objects. The object (Obj-ID) with the highest Draw order is drawn as a last resort.

The very first object will be put to "layer 1". Next objects will be drawn on a higher "layer" above. Those may cover up prior drawn objects.

A group will be moved collectively. Its also possible to move objects inside of a group.

Set user value (integer) (from V1.1)


Obj-ID, Value, ..., Value n (Obj-ID n)

An integer Value can be assigned to each object. The value can also be a calculation.

See also objUI(id)

Set user value (float) (from V1.1)


Obj-ID, Value, ..., Value n (Obj-ID n)

A float Value can be assigned to each object. The value can also be a calculation.

See also objUF(id)


Add object to group


Obj-ID Group, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Create a group (Obj-ID Group) or add objects to an existing group.

Background (from V1.2)

Move object to the background layer


RGB, Obj-ID, ..., Obj-IDn

Existing objects are moved to the background. The background color is specified by the parameter RGB. After the PowerOn reset, the background color is black (RGB = 0). If RGB = -1 is transferred, the previously set color remains unchanged.

Load image into background layer


<Name>, x(0), y(0), Anchor(7),<Gradient>, Time, Direction, 'Endmacro'

The command places an image directly from the SD card on the background. Transformations (like scaling) are impossible. If transformations are necessary, an image object must be created (#PPP) and the transformations applied before the object is moved to the background with the #OBG command. The parameter <Gradient> specifies a grayscale image that is used for the transition. The cross-fading is determined by the gray values and the Time in 1/100 s. The transition effect can be shown forward or backward (Direction). After the crossfading the macro 'Endmacro' is called.







#OBP <P:picture/GrandCanyon.epg>,0,0,7,<P:picture/Gradient.epg>,200,2



#OBP "GrandCanyon";0,0,7,"Gradient";200,2
