PWM Output #H

Command group for the PWM output

Set the PWM frequency and duty cycle

(Hardware PWM Output)


Frequency [32-Bit], On Value (no change), Total Value (no change)

Change PWM duty cycle

(Hardware PWM Dutycycle)


On Value, Total Value (no change)

Set the PWM frequency and duty cycle


Frequency [32-Bit], On Value (no change), Total Value (no change)

Setting the PWM Frequency (32-bit value) (20Hz ... 1.5MHz, 1%).



Permanent low


Permanent high

The two optional parameters On Value and Total Value set the duty cycle:

DutyCycle =  

On Value

Total Value


#HFO 10000,2,3


Change PWM duty cycle


On Value, Total Value (no change)

The command sets the duty cycle with the two parameters On Value and Total Value. The frequency is steady:

DutyCycle =  

On Value

Total Value


#HFD 1,4
