Basic tutorials

This chapter highlights the basics of the uniTFTDesigner.

First steps


This video explains the surface of the uniTFTDesigner and help functionality

Graphical objects

Overview of the object structure in uniTFT(s) series and the basic options for placing and changing objects with the help of the uniTFTDesigner


An overview of the styles and their relationship in the uniTFT(s) family


Place labels, formatted automatic updating strings

Screen transition

Create nice transitions between screens


Create documentation, version file

Touch objects


Placing different buttons and connect to an action


Different bar graph and slider types as input and output elements


Create, customize and use menu elements


Create and fill entries and touch events


Create a triple SpinBox for setting date


Create, customize and use nice picture elements

Keyboard / EditBox

User input. Create keyboard and connect to an EditBox.

Additional tasks


Basic functionality and radio group


Work with different languages in the uniTFTDesigner and usage during runtime


Create, clear and add text


This video explains the surface of the uniTFTDesigner and help functionality:

- Creating a new project

- Changing object properties

- Macro editor

- Command help, Syntax highlighting and help file

- Where to find example projects

- Using the simulator for testing projects

Graphical objects

Overview about the object structure in the uniTFT series and the basic options for placing and changing objects with the help of the uniTFTDesigner:

- Object manipulation (scaling, shearing)

- Alignment

- Toolbox

- Functionality for easy usage of the uniTFTDesigner


An overview of the styles and their relationship in the uniTFT family:

- DrawStyle

- ColorRamp

- TextStyle

- FontStyle

- ButtonStyle

- Export style sheet for usage in other projects


Place labels, formatted automatic updating strings:

- Place label, changing text and styles

- Formatted text

- Automatic updating texts

- Date and time output

Screen transitions

Create nice transitions between screens:

- Usage of touch areas to cycle screens in special view window

- Different transitions like fading, pushing or scaling

- Possibilities of outputs for user manuals


Create documentation, version file:

- Create Project with uniDocu support

- Add uniDocu categories

- Print uniDocu

- Create new uniDocu version


Placing different buttons and connect to an action:

- Change style

- Different button types (rectangular, elliptical, picture, icon)

- normal button / switch

- Text change

- Press behaviour

- Connect to macros (signal and slot behaviour)


Different bargraph and slider types as input and output elements:

- Place and customize

- Rectangular, triangular and arc graph

- Input as touch for setting brightness and a register

- Visualize analog input


Create customize and use it:

- Place and customize

- Insert topics, subtopics

- Icons

- Disable entries

- Check entries

- React on user's input


Create, fill entries and touch events:

- Place and customize

- Icons

- React on entry change

- Output the result

- Test in the simulator


Create a triple SpinBox for setting Date:

- Place and customize

- Create 3 boxes within one object

- Insert automatically multiple items

- Output the result

- Test in the simulator


Create, fill entries and touch events:

- Place and customize

- Create 2 boxes (horizontal and vertical)

- Insert icons and text

- Output the result

- Test in the simulator

Keyboard / EditBox

User input. Create keyboard and connect to an EditBox:

- Place keyboard and customize keys

- Place EditBox and connect to keyboard

- Allowed characters in EditBox

- Password character for EditBox

- React to inputs in a macro

- Test in the simulator


Basic functionality and radio group

- Create simple group

- Select elements in group

- Create radio group for touch inputs


Work with different languages in the uniTFTDesigner and usage during runtime:

- Create different language in the uniTFTDesigner's language editor

- Edit translation in external csv-file editors

- Use translations within objects, like text labels, SpinBoxes

- Change language during runtime with a ComboBox


Create, clear and add text:

- Place and customize

- Clear paragraphs

- Append/prepend text

- Add file

- Test in the simulator