Styles #C

Command group to create styles. The look of each object is based on a style appropriate to the object type. The maximum number of styles available for each style is 100.


Delete filling

(Style Fill Delete)



Define filling width color

(Style Fill Color)


DrawStyle-No., RGB, Opacity(100)

Define filling with linear gradient

(Style Fill Linear)


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No, Angle(0)

Define filling with radial gradient

(Style Fill Radial)


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No, FocusX (5000), FocusY (0)

Define filling with conical gradient

(Style Fill Conial)


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No, FocusX(5000), FocusY(0), Direction(1)

Define filling with pattern

(Style Fill Pattern)


DrawStyle-No, <PatternName> Size(100), Angle(0), RepeatMode(0), FocusX(5000), FocusY(0), PatternAnchor(5)

Change angle of linear gradient

(Style Fill Angle)


DrawStyle-No, Angle

Change gradient

(Style Fill Garient)


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No.

Change focus of gradient

(Style Fill Focus)


DrawStyle-No, FocusX, FocusY, PatternAnchor (no change)

Change pattern

(Style Fill pattern Name)


DrawStyle-No, <PatternName>

Delete line

(Style Line Delete)



Define line color and thickness

(Style Line Style)


DrawStyle-No, RGB, Opacity(100), Width(1), JoinStyle(0), LinePattern-No (0)

Change line color

(Style Line Color)


DrawStyle-No, RGB, Opacity (no change)

Change line with

(Style Line Width)


DrawStyle-No, Width

Change join style

(Style Line End)


DrawStyle-No, JoinStyle


Define TextStyle

(Style Text Font)


TextStyle-No, <FontName>, Size(20), Alignment(0), DrawStyle-No.(0), Italic(0), LineSpace (0), CharacterSpace (0)

Change font

(Style Text Name)


TextStyle-No, <FontName>

Change alignment

(Style Text Align)


TextStyle-No, Alignment

Change DrawStyle

(Style Text drawstyle)


TextStyle, DrawStyle-No

Change spacing

(Style Text Gap)


TextStyle, LineSpace, CharacterSpace (no change)

Change space width

(Style Text space Width)


TextStyle-No, SpaceCode, SpaceWidth(100)


Define picture ButtonStyle

(Style Button Picture)


ButtonStyle-No, <ButtonNameNormal>, <ButtonNameDown> (=Normal), Width(0), Height(0)

Define ButtonStyle

(Style Button Drawstyle)


ButtonStyle-No, DrawStyle-Normal, DrawStyle-Down (=Normal), Width (0), Height (0), Radius(0)

Define Text

(Style Button Textstyle)


ButtonStyle-No, TextStyleNormal, TextStyleDown (=Normal), OffsetX(0), OffsetY(0)

Define DownEvent

(Style Button Offset)


ButtonStyle-No, OffsetX(0), OffsetY (=OffsetX), Size(100), Angle(0)

Define sound for DownEvent

(Style Button Sound)


ButtonStyle-No, <SoundString>

Define disabled ButtonStyle

(Style Button Greyout)


R (-30), G (=R), B (=R)


Define ColorRamp

(Style Color Ramp)


ColorRamp-No, Offset1, RGB1, Transparency1, ... Offset10, RGB10, Transparancy10

Animate ColorRamp

(Style Animate Colorramp)


ColorRamp-No, Type (1), Time (100)


Delete filling



This command deletes the filling of the DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.).

Define filling width color


DrawStyle-No., RGB, Opacity(100)

A full-color (RGB) fill is assigned to the DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.). The Opacity can be set as a percentage


#CFC 15,$3B7EAE


Define filling with linear gradient


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No, Angle(0)

The DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.) is assigned a linear gradient (ColorRamp-No.). The gradient must be defined in advance with the #CCR command. The orientation can optionally be specified (Angle in degrees).


#CCR 5,0,$FF0000,100,50,$00FF00,100,100,$0000FF,100

#CFL 15,5,45


Define filling with radial gradient


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No, FocusX (5000), FocusY (0)

The DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.) is assigned a radial gradient (ColorRamp-No). The gradient must be defined in advance with the #CCR command. The focus determines the starting point of the course as a percentage. With FocusX = 5000, the anchor to be used as the starting point of the gradient is specified with FocusY.


#CCR 5,0,$FF0000,100,50,$00FF00,100,100,$0000FF,100

#CFR 15,5,5000,5


Define filling with conical gradient


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No, FocusX(5000), FocusY(0), Direction(1)

The DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.) is assigned a conical gradient (ColorRamp-No). The gradient must be defined in advance with the #CCR command. The focus determines the starting point of the course as a percentage. With FocusX = 5000, the anchor to be used as the starting point of the gradient is specified with FocusY. The optional parameter Direction specifies the direction of rotation.







#CCR 5,0,$FF0000,100,50,$00FF00,100,100,$0000FF,100

#CFK 15,5,5000,5,0


Define filling with pattern


DrawStyle-No, <PatternName> Size(100), Angle(0), RepeatMode(0), FocusX(5000), FocusY(0), PatternAnchor(5)

A pattern (<PatternName>) is used as a fill for the DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.). The size is given proportionally as a percentage. The optional parameter RepeatMode specifies the type of image repetition:



Repeat the pattern


Mirror the pattern

The focus determines the percentage of the starting point of the pattern. With FocusX = 5000, the anchor to be used as the starting point of the pattern is specified with FocusY. The pattern is set directly to the focus point with the PatternAnchor.


#CFP 15,<P:pattern/Brick.epg>,40



#CFP 15,"Brick";40


Change angle of linear gradient


DrawStyle-No, Angle

The Angle of a linear gradient is changed.

Change gradient


DrawStyle-No, ColorRamp-No.

A new gradient is assigned to the DrawStyle (ColorRamp-No)

Change focus of gradient


DrawStyle-No, FocusX, FocusY, PatternAnchor (no change)

The focus determines the starting point of the course or the pattern as a percentage. With FocusX = 5000, the anchor to be used as the starting point of the course is specified with FocusY. The last parameter (PatternAnchor) is only necessary for patterns: The pattern is set directly to the focus point with the PatternAnchor.

Change pattern


DrawStyle-No, <PatternName>

A new pattern (<PatternName>) will be assigned to the filling.

Delete line



This command deletes the line of the DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.).

Define line color and thickness


DrawStyle-No, RGB, Opacity(100), Width(1), JoinStyle(0), LinePattern-No (0)

The command defines the line color (RGB), the Opacity (in percent) and the line Width in pixels. The JoinStyle parameter determines the type of line end or the connection of two lines:






With the last parameter, the style of the line can optionally be set (e.g. dashed). For this, a line pattern (LinePattern-No.) must be defined.

Change line color


DrawStyle-No, RGB, Opacity (no change)

Assign a new color (RGB) to the line.

Change line width


DrawStyle-No, Width

Change the thickness of the line.

Change join style


DrawStyle-No, JoinStyle

Change the join style of the line







Define TextStyle


TextStyle-No, <FontName>, Size(20), Alignment(0), DrawStyle-No.(0), Italic(0), LineSpace (0), CharacterSpace (0)

Definition of a TextStyle with font (<FontName>), Size (in pixels; = 0 original size only applies to image fonts) and Alignment.








Specifying the alignment is only useful for multiline texts. The position of the text object itself is determined by the anchor (e.g. anchors 3, 6, and 9 for right-aligned).

The DrawStyle specifies the color. For performance reasons, we recommend simple filling without an outline. Italic enables italics and is specified in degrees (-45 ° ... + 45 °). The remaining two parameters specify the LineSpacing and additional CharacterSpacing.

Change font


TextStyle-No, <FontName>

The command changes the font (<FontName>) of the TextStyle.

Change alignment


TextStyle-No, Alignment

The command changes the Alignment of the text.








Change DrawStyle


TextStyle, DrawStyle-No

Change color using the DrawStyle (DrawStyle No.).

Change spacing


TextStyle, LineSpace, CharacterSpace (no change)

An additional LineSpacing or CharacterSpacing is defined (in % of the character height). Negative values are also allowed.

Change space width


TextStyle-No, SpaceCode, SpaceWidth(100)

The width of the space can be taken from any other code (SpaceCode). The width can also be defined in %: Standard: 100 (SpaceWidth).


Define picture ButtonStyle


ButtonStyle-No, <ButtonNameNormal>, <ButtonNameDown> (=Normal), Width(0), Height(0)

The command defines a ButtonStyle: Display two images for the unpressed (<ButtonNameNormal>) and pressed (<ButtonNameDown>) state. The size is determined by Width and Height (= 0 original size).

Define ButtonStyle


ButtonStyle-No, DrawStyle-Normal, DrawStyle-Down (=Normal), Width (0), Height (0), Radius(0)

The command defines a ButtonStyle: Display of two DrawStyles for the unpressed (DrawStyleNormal) and pressed (DrawStyleDown) state. The following are further parameters for the Width and Height of the button and the corner rounding (Radius).

Define text


ButtonStyle-No, TextStyleNormal, TextStyleDown (=Normal), OffsetX(0), OffsetY(0)

Define the text of the button style. The Offset specifies an additional distance in pixels where the text is positioned on the button.

Define DownEvent


ButtonStyle-No, OffsetX(0), OffsetY (=OffsetX), Size(100), Angle(0)

The behaviour of the button when pressed is defined. The button is drawn with the Offset (in pixels). The Size changes proportionally as a percentage. The Angle (in degrees) can also be changed.

Define sound for DownEvent


ButtonStyle-No, <SoundString>

A short tone sequence ("Sound string") is played in the DownEvent of the ButtonStyle. If the parameter "Sound string" is empty, the jingle is deleted.

Define disabled ButtonStyle


ButtonStyle-No, R (-30), G (=R), B (=R)

The deactivated state of a button is the percentage change in color of the ButtonStyle normal. Each color channel can be addressed individually. The Opacity can also be changed.


Define ColorRamp


ColorRamp-No, Offset1, RGB1, Transparency1, ... Offset10, RGB10, Transparancy10

The command defines a gradient. The base point (Offset) defines the color point in the course in percent, the color is indicated by RGB and Opacity. A maximum of 10 control points can be specified.

Animate ColorRamp


ColorRamp-No, Type (1), Time (100)

The position of the vertices of the gradient are changed. The type specifies the animation type. Time in 1/100 s indicates the duration.



Stop animation




Cyclic backward




PingPong backward


#CCR 5,0,$FF0000,100,50,$00FF00,100,100,$0000FF,100

#CFR 15,5,5000,6

#CAC 5,3
