
To use the latest features of the EA uniTFTm-Series, it might be necessary to update the internal firmware of the module.

Firmware-update via serial interface and Windows PC:

  • Save the firmware file (e.g. EA_uniTFTm_V1_1.fw) to your local drive
  • Connect the EA uniTFT with your PC
  • Start uniTRANSFER.exe (found in the Simulator_and_Tools folder of the uniTFTDesigner installation) and select the correct serial interface to the EA uniTFTm.
  • Drag'n'Drop the firmware file to the EA uniTRANSFER window.


  • After transferring the data, a manually reset needs to be performed, then the firmware will be loaded automatically after restart. Attention: Please do not switch of the module while updating.

Firmware update via serial interface

The firmware file also can be transferred to EA uniTFT with any system. To do this, transfer the contents of the * .fw file 1:1 (with protocol in packets) to the EA uniTFT. The transfer progress will become visible  on the display module. After successful transfer, a data check will be done automatically. If the data is correct, the update starts automatically. Attention: Please do not switch of the module while updating.