Differences to uniTFT-Series

Checklist for replacing an EA uniTFT-module with an EA uniTFTm-module.

1. Serial master interfaces

The EA uniTFT-series provides RS232, SPI and I²C as dedicated master interfaces - totally separated from the slave interfaces. In contrast the EA uniTFTm-Series provides the serial interfaces as shared ones, i.e. RS232 can be used as Slave or Master.

2. Inputs and outputs

The EA uniTFT-series has 16 I/Os integrated, optionally expandable to 125. The EA uniTFTm-Series provides 8 I/Os, optionally expandable to 136.

3. Sound output

The EA uniTFT-series has the possibility to play short jingles from converted mp3 or wav files. An external speaker is needed. In contrast the EA uniTFTm-Series has the possibility to play notes (5 , 6 octave). The speaker is integrated.

4. Video input

The EA uniTFT-series provides a video input for PAL, Secam and NTSC. The EA uniTFTm-Series does not support any external video signal.

5. Flash memory (SD-Card)

The EA uniTFT-series uses a micro SD-Card to store project data, like pictures, screens, sounds and even data logging functions. That means the memory is replaceable and can be used with USB as MassStorage device. In contrast the EA uniTFTm-Series has an integrated flash memory of 60 MByte to store project data. To read back logged data to PC, you need a windows application to request and store the data. You can use the tool uniExplorer free of charge.

6. Analog inputs

The EA uniTFT-series can measure the whole supply range from GND to VDD. To improve measurements the EA uniTFTm-Series uses an internally 3.0V generator to be independent from fluctuating and load-dependent supply voltage. But the range is reduced to 3.0 V. The ADC resolution is the same. The input resistance is reduced from 1 MΩ to 12.5 KΩ.

7. RTC

The EA unitTFT-Series has a coin cell to retain the time in case of voltage drop or switch off. The EA uniTFTm-Series provides an input pin to connect an external battery.

8. Graphical appearance, vectorized graphic engine

The main difference is the vector support of the EA uniTF-Series. Vectorized graphic and fonts support lossless zoom and scales.  That's why graphical functions like rotation, shearing and scaling are limited or have slightly different optical appearances. For the EA uniTFTm-Series, we recommend to store the needed font sizes (pixel fonts) to the internal flash.

9. Limitations (registers, styles, string lengths)

The EA uniTFT has more internal RAM memory. The limitations are different concerning registers and other constants like styles. Please find the limits for the EA uniTFT-series here. The limits for the EA uniTFTm-Series is here.